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Dear Dr. Author,
We are pleased to let you know that our Target Selection team has identified your recent publication {…} as being of especial interest to the Engineering community. We would therefore like to list it on our next edition of Advances in Engineering Series.
Advances in Engineering service alerts the scientific community to breaking journal articles considered to be of importance to the progress in Engineering technologies (for today’s edition click here). Advances in Engineering is viewed almost 265,000 times each month by our audience of academic and industrial R&D personnel and it is featured on the intranets of a growing number of the top 50 engineering companies and major academic institutions.
Publications featured by Advances in Engineering gain extensive exposure. This is good for us since our initial aim was to establish an environment that helps advance the implementation of new and promising technologies. We also believe that high quality research deserves recognition and perhaps more importantly, exposure through Advances in Engineering is therefore also good for you and your organization since this provides a showcase for key studies such as yours. This exposure has the added benefit of encouraging industrial funding and licensing.
There is a small processing charge for listing publications on Advances in Engineering ($35 USD). Please let us know if you are interested in having your work featured on our online edition. If you accept our invitation we will post the summary of your article with proper citation of the original Journal. You also have the option of adding further information relating to your work including an image (not-violating copyrights). This may extend your findings; further highlight the importance of your work and organization’s activities; or if relevant clarify licensing or partnering opportunities relating to your findings. Each of these options is intended to stimulate scientific and developmental advancement. We will process your publication after receiving the payment (click here). If you prefer other than online Paypal processing please let us know.
We do operate within a narrow time frame to meet our aim of delivering breaking publications and we therefore request that if you do wish to be featured you contact us as soon as possible.
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